How do psychedelics impact fertility?
By Martha Allitt
Psychoactive drugs are known to negatively impact a woman's fertility, with substances like cocaine, heroin, MDMA, and cannabis all reducing the chances of conception. However, when it comes to classical psychedelics (psilocybin, LSD, mescaline and DMT), the effects of psychedelics are little understood.
Some evidence suggest classical psychedelics might actually enhance fertility rather than impair it, unlike other recreational drugs. Women have reported regaining their menstrual cycles after using psychedelics, suggesting a potential benefit for female reproductive health.
One study found that mescaline could both enhance and stimulate uterine contractions in rats, which are muscle movements that help sperm move towards the egg. Low doses of LSD also facilitated these contractions, but high doses had the opposite effects. Such findings indicate that psychedelics might influence fertility through their interaction with hormones.
Psychedelics activate the 5-HT2A receptor, a receptor for the chemical messenger serotonin, which is linked to female fertility. In another rat study, blocking this receptor inhibited the release of luteinising hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH), which is essential for egg maturation and preparing the uterus for pregnancy. Moreover, 5-HT2 receptors have been found to stimulate the synthesis of estrogen and progesterone in the rat ovaries.
It’s important to note that although humans and rats share similar reproductive features, there is an inherent biological difference. Whether psychedelics have the same effect on human hormones remains largely speculative.
Beyond hormones, psychedelics may positively influence fertility through their effects on the immune system. Dysregulated immune responses can cause infertility by damaging reproductive tissues and creating scar tissue that hinders the movement of eggs and embryo implantation. Women with autoimmune conditions are at higher risk of infertility than those without, as well as early menopause and miscarriages.
Both psilocybin and ayahuasca have been found to reduce the production of cells that trigger inflammation, suggesting they could help regulate the immune system and possibly improve fertility. Scientists have even proposed psychedelics could be novel treatments for autoimmune disorders based on this evidence.
Despite these findings, there is still concern about the potential risks of psychedelics on female fertility. Some early psychedelic studies suggested that LSD could damage chromosomes in isolated cells, potentially damaging the DNA of reproductive cells and negatively impacting embryonic development. However, this evidence has been criticised.
Some sources warn that LSD might be teratogenic, meaning it could cause problems in embryonic development, leading to physical and cognitive impairments in newborns. There have been reported cases of such congenital defects in children born to mothers who used LSD during pregnancy, including webbed fingers and underdeveloped limbs. However, with pregnant mothers often using other drugs beyond LSD, these cases are unlikely to be explained by LSD exposure alone.
Because of this unclear risk, women are generally advised to avoid psychedelics during pregnancy and are cautioned against psychedelic-assisted therapy. Dr Ben Malcolm, a psychiatric pharmacist, emphasised the need for caution based on his research into psychedelics and pregnancy. He wrote, “Beyond lack of safety data, medical approval, and regulation as illicit substances, psychedelics are powerful serotonergic compounds that have pleiotropic effects across immune, endocrine, and neural systems.”
On the other hand, some plant-medicine-using communities endorse the use of psychedelics during pregnancy. For example, in a MAPS bulletin, Juanita Nelson, a midwife and member of the Native American Church, said that “pregnant women who eat peyote have very little problem with miscarriage” and that “it helps establish the placenta and maturation of the fetus.” Women from the Wixárika tradition in Mexico also claim that peyote increases breast milk production.
While the effects of psychedelics on fertility and pregnancy outcomes remain uncertain, what is certain is that lifestyle can greatly affect a woman’s ability to conceive. Mood, exercise, diet, stress, smoking and drinking alcohol all have a well-established impact on fertility. And can all be affected by psychedelic use.
Multiple studies show that psilocybin-assisted therapy has long-lasting benefits in the treatment of mood disorders, notably depression. Up to 40% of women experiencing infertility are estimated to have a psychiatric diagnosis, with anxiety and depression being the most common. Moreover, psilocybin-assisted therapy has demonstrated significant positive outcomes for overcoming heavy smoking and problematic binge drinking, which both pose a huge risk to female fertility.
Nonetheless, psychedelic use isn’t without harm and can cause long-lasting psychological challenges, especially after distressing experiences and when used in unsupporting settings. These challenges can include anxiety, panic, intrusive and obsessive thoughts and feelings of lost identity. The resulting psychological distress could signal to the body that it’s not safe to reproduce and may also increase cortisol, a stress hormone known to negatively affect fertility.
Given the potential for both positive and negative effects, women considering the use of psychedelics, especially those looking to conceive, should approach with caution. Taking psychedelics in a supportive, guided context may increase the likelihood of experiencing benefits rather than challenges and mitigate the chance of negatively impacting fertility.
In conclusion, classical psychedelics may certainly affect female fertility, but whether the overall impact is net positive or negative remains largely unknown. There is a huge unmet need to study the effects of psychedelics on fertility and women’s health.