Virtual Course
Intro to Psychedelics & Female Biology
Your guide to navigating psychedelic use for women for practitioners, facilitators, and psychonauts alike
Why do I need to understand female specific psychedelic science?
Female specific biological functions have long been neglected in the field of research on physical and mental health. The psychedelic industry is exploring a novel class of pharmacological agents with indicted potential for addressing a myriad of psychological and physiological disorders. Yet still, female specific biological mechanisms continue to not be addressed or considered in this research.
In this course, we will chart out the current state of research in the area of female specific indications for safe and effective psychedelic use, and outline our current understanding of the interactions between this novel class of drugs and female biology, from the interactions between ovarian hormone fluctuations and neurotransmitter systems, to mental health and psychosocial aspects of psychedelic treatments.
Course Contents:
Female hormonal cycles throughout the lifespan: menstruation and menopause
Role of ovarian hormones on brain function: estrogen and progesterone
Relevant neurotransmitter systems: serotonin, dopamine, GABA
Module 1: Female Hormones & the Brain
Women’s cognitive and emotional health
Women’s disproportionate mental health disease burden
Mental health conditions time-locked with menstruation: PMS & PMDD
History of women’s mental health research
Module 2: Women’s Mental Health
Module 3: Psychedelic Synergies
Pharmacology of classical psychedelics: 5HT2A receptor agonists
Interaction between ovarian hormones and classical psychedelics
Indications for macro and micro dosing to treat psychological and physiological conditons
Non-classical psychedelics: ketamine and MDMA
Module 4: Psychosocial Components
Stigma against conducting female specific psychiatric research
Women and PTSD: disproportionate rates of specific forms of trauma
Women’s Psychedelic retreats
Psychedelic practitioners and facilitators who seek to understand female specific drug interactions to support their female clients
Women participating in psychedelic retreats who would like to deepen their embodied understanding of working with psychedelics
This course is not for women seeking advice on self medicating with psychedelics
This course is for:
Your instructor
Dr. Grace Blest-Hopley founded Hystelica due to her passion and interest in women’s psychedelic use. Grace is a neuroscientist with a Ph.D from King’s College London. She has spent 10 + years research the effects of cannabinoids and psychedelics; across clinical, recreational and naturalistic settings.